Sunday, November 23, 2014


Aromas -  (See also: Hot Oils ) Play which involves the use of certain aroma therapy to induce relaxation.   Also referred to as "poppers". In some instances these can be volatile compounds whose vapors cause temporarily increased heart and breathing rates, muscle relaxation, and a "rushing" feeling in the head. These types of play are popular in the gay and rave scenes, and often used in an S/m context. There are some dangers associated with their use.

You can buy these at any sex store or smoke shop I used to buy them when we were younger and walk the streets in Village Park and me and my girlfriend would have soccer in the water bottle and sniffing on the poppers and smoking pot now I do not recommend this thinking back it sounds very foolish it does mess with your heart it does give you the wa wa lot head while . Thinking back I don't think this is a good idea to do but if you are into the BDSM scene and are looking to have a light head rush where it make sure anal wet for penetration it's a great idea and very cheap and affordable. Keep your heart and mind. If I would is given a choice to do it now I would not. Hey because my metabolism has changed and different things affect me in a different way now.
 Also this is used and a mask play where if you have like a gas mask with a final and then you sniff it through the final and you clamp your hand down on the final it would give you a captured laid head affect the only problem with this is that you can pass out very easily and your hand will be clamped down on the hose to the mask and you can suffocate and die this happened to a very good friend of mine in his 50s and what he did he broke the first rule of the BDSM which is never to play alone . It even happened to the old timers so never think you're above the rules. 

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